Monday, September 2, 2013

What more can i ask for!

Oh! My dear Love, I have nothing more to ask for, 
You have given me the greatest gift of my life, 
You have made truth the wildest dream of all my dreams, 
The dream of being independent, what more can I ask for!

I cannot repay ever what the ancestors of this land has achieved for me, 
With their noble blood they sacrificed, 
The blood whose color was Indian, 
The blood whose religion was Indian,
The blood which is gushing through my veins today, what more can I ask for!

Oh! My beloved, they sacrificed their lives for your glory,
They dreamt of happiness,
They dreamt of freedom,
They dreamt of fulfilling their dreams through my dreams,
Give me strength to make their dreams come true, What more can I ask for!

Today on this glorious occasion,
1.2 billion Children of yours celebrate their independent Birthday,
We wish to bring happiness to those who love you
And faster recovery for those who chose to ignore your love, what more can I ask for!

------from the archives of "Meri Sadi kavitayein"